This film is set in 1986 and tells the story of Oliver Tate, a 15-year-old boy and his infatuation with a girl. As well as trying to make her like him, he has try and keep his parents together when his mother's ex boyfriend moves next door.
2. Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko is a troubled teenager suffering from schizophrenia. He receives a disturbing vision that the world will end in 28 days. With the help of various characters, including a 6 foot rabbit called Frank, he slowly discovers the mysterious physical and metaphysical laws that govern his life and that will lead up to the destruction of the universe.
3. Bend It Like Beckham
Jess is a teenager with only one real passion in her life: football. She soon strikes up a friendship with Juliette, and joins a girls team coached by Joe. She comes from a traditional, close-knit and loving Sikh family. Jess' fascination with sports doesn't fit into their idea of a young woman future. She and Juliette also fall out over both liking Joe. With her sister's wedding on the same day as the football final, Jess must decide if she will support her family or her friends.
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