Wednesday, 12 December 2012


The clip starts off with atmospheric noise being played. Then the famous Jaws theme music starts slowly, which builds up the tension and as this happens the music gets more intense. Then the music changes again, as there is use of strings which makes it sound like a shriek and the camera stops moving. The scene changes to a group of young people, there is only diegetic sound which is of the harmonica being played and people talking. The next scene shows a fence that looks a lot like teeth, foreshadowing what is later to come. When the woman says "Swimming!" the audience has an idea that something bad is about to happen. The next few scenes just include ambient sounds. Then the Jaws music starts again slowly and then builds up and the camera shifts to the POV of the shark. Then the woman starts to panic and shriek as she being attacked by the shark which is supposed to make the audience feel very uncomfortable. The camera shot shifts between the two contrasting shots of girl being attacked and the boy who is 'off his head' but you cannot hear anything. Then as the woman holds on to the boid the music stops, but it doesn't last for very long as soon she starts shrieking again and then disappears. Then there is silence, except for ambient sounds.

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